Insights On How Philanthropy Jobs And Expectations Have Changed In The Last 2,000 Years.

Since the days of Ancient Greece over 2 thousand years back, we have actually known that kindness of spirit is necessary to a functioning civilisation.

We can trace the philanthropy meaning back to the days of Ancient Greece. In fact, the word itself stemmed from the Greek 'philánthrōpos', implying man loving in the broad communal sense instead of the literal. The Greeks thought that philanthropy was vital to the workings of a healthy democracy, and that those who were lucky enough to enjoy the satisfaction of wealth had a responsibility to assist the community which had given them the opportunity to do so. In fact, it was not so much anticipated as required. If they did not contribute to the local community, typically by financing public works like the repair of temples and city walls, or helping to support the cultural life by financing public festivals and so on, they were in very real danger of being ostracised totally from the local community; and not simply from those of a lower social-economic standing however their peers too. We still harbour these expectations today, although the threats might be more reputational than social in the modern-day world.

Philanthropy plays a vital function in the modern-day world. Famous philanthropists like Bill Gates have had a massive influence on big worldwide problems, doing an outstanding 180 from devoting their lives to the accumulation of funds to committing their lives to giving them all away. Philanthropy has actually become part and parcel of being wealthy and successful, a chance to have a real, important impact on the world in which we are all contributors. It's also a chance to pursue one's interests, something which is rarely the case within the boundaries of one's profession, with people like Bruce Rappaport able to pursue philanthropic activities in the worlds of art, healthcare, and beyond! However, it's not only essential to the individuals who are doing the giving, it's an important part of a fair society, something which we have actually known for over 2 thousand years.

Philanthropy has, of course, altered throughout the millennia since the days of Ancient Greece, however it has become no less necessary to a functioning democracy. People like Marcel Arsenault establish whole philanthropic businesses like foundations to take on some of the most important and complex concerns of the day, whilst corporate philanthropy is becoming more engrained in the everyday operations of average businesses all over the world. As we move deeper into an uncertain century, philanthropy is just going to end up being more essential to dealing with things like the environment crisis, using that communal spirit and kindness that is inherent in all people to safeguard the future of all life on Earth. It has held true for over 2 thousand years, and it will continue to hold true well for as long as people are in need and there are those kind enough to lend a helping hand.

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